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DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark

DIY: Generate OWASP Benchmark Results for Kiuwan Code Security

The OWASP Benchmark for Security Automation (OWASP benchmark) is a free and open test suite designed to evaluate the speed, coverage, and accuracy of automated software vulnerability detection tools and services.

In this article, you’ll learn how to run the OWASP benchmark against Kiuwan Code Security for yourself.

Understanding the OWASP Benchmark

The OWASP benchmark evaluates tools using 4 indicators:

  • Tool correctly identifies a real vulnerability (True Positive – TP)
  • Tool fails to identify a real vulnerability (False Negative – FN)
  • Tool correctly ignores a false alarm (True Negative – TN)
  • Tool fails to ignore a false alarm (False Positive – FP)

The OWASP benchmark contains 2740 individual tests covering the following vulnerabilities:

KeyDescriptionCWE codeKiuwan Rule
pathtraverPath Traversal22Avoid non-neutralized user-controlled input composed in a pathname to a resource
cmdiOS Command Injection78Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command (‘OS Command Injection’)
xssCross-site Scripting79Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (‘Cross-site Scripting’)
sqliSQL Injection89Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command (‘SQL Injection’)
ldapiLDAP Injection90Avoid non-neutralized user-controlled input in LDAP search filters
cryptoRisky Cryptographic Algorithm327Weak symmetric encryption algorithm
hashReversible One-Way Hash328Weak cryptographic hash
weekrandUse of Insufficiently Random Values330Standard pseudo-random number generators cannot withstand cryptographic attacks
trustboundTrust Boundary Violation501Trust boundary violation
securecookieSensitive Cookie614Generate server-side cookies with adequate security properties
xpathiXPath Injection643Improper Neutralization of Data within XPath Expressions (‘XPath Injection’)

Running the OWASP Benchmark

You will need a computer that meets the following requirements:

  • Oracle Java JDK 8.x or later
  • Apache Maven 3.2.3 or later
  • Internet connection

Ensure that the JAVA and MAVEN environment variables are set and in your PATH. To confirm that this has been done, open a command prompt and execute the following commands:

> java -version
> mvn -version

Download the OWASP benchmark

Download the latest release of the OWASP benchmark from

Extract this file to a local folder on your computer. For this article, we’re going to use the folder name Benchmark-master as the destination for the unzipped benchmark.

Set up a Kiuwan account 

You will need a paid or trial Kiuwan account to run the OWASP Benchmark.

If you are a current Kiuwan Code Security user, you can run the Benchmark in your existing account, so continue to the section Execute the Benchmark Analysis.

  • If you are not a current Kiuwan Code Security user, contact our sales team to request a free trial to run the OWASP Benchmark.
  • After requesting the free trial, you will receive a confirmation email. Click the confirmation link in the email to open the login window.
  • Log in with the email address and password that you supplied in your request for a free trial. The welcome screen appears, as shown below.
DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark Benchmark 5b
  • Click Download Local Analyzer to download the Kiuwan Local Analyzer as a .ZIP file.
  • Extract the .ZIP file to a local folder on your computer. For more information on the Kiuwan Local Analyzer, refer to our user documentation.
  • Contact the Kiuwan support team, and let us know that you wish to run an OWASP Benchmark analysis. While you can run the analysis without special privileges, you will need enhanced privileges to download the analysis results and produce the scorecard.

Important details about trial accounts:

Your very first scan with Kiuwan is run using the Local Analyzer, as described below. If you would like to repeat the benchmark after running your first scan, you can use either the Local Analyzer or the Cloud Analyzer.

Please note that a trial account is limited to scanning a single application. Once you have used a trial account to perform the OWASP Benchmark, you will not be able to use it to scan a different application.

Execute the benchmark analysis with the Kiuwan Local Analyzer

To start the Kiuwan Local Analyzer (KLA), open the folder where you extracted the .ZIP archive, and execute the file kiuwan.cmd.

If this is the first time that you have used KLA, you will see a welcome message. Click Let’s Go. Then, the Login window appears.

DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark Benchmark 7

Log on with your Kiuwan username and password. The Set Up Your Analysis dialog appears, as shown below.

DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark Benchmark 8b
  • In the Application name field, enter OWASP Benchmark.
  • In the Folder to analyze field choose the folder where you unzipped the OWASP benchmark
  • Set the Analysis scope to Baseline, then click Advanced. The Advanced Configuration window appears, as shown below:
DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark Benchmark 11

In the Advanced Configuration window, use the Analysis model drop-down to choose OWASP-benchmark.

Click OK; then click Continue.

The first time that you scan the OWASP Benchmark application, you will see a prompt to create the application.

DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark Benchmark 12

Click Yes. Then, click Analyze to start the analysis.

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Once the analysis completes, click View Results. The Kiuwan dashboard appears with the results of the scan.

Continue to the directions below to see how to export the results and generate the OWASP Benchmark scorecard.

Export the results of the analysis

If you are not already logged on, open the Kiuwan website. In the top menu bar, click Log In.

DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark Benchmark 16a

Enter your Kiuwan username and password, and then click Log in. The Kiuwan dashboard appears.

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From the top menu choose Vulnerabilities. Click the menu icon next to the title “VULNERABILITIES”, then choose Export to Threadfix, as shown above. This will download a results file with a name similar to “126127_2019-11-21 22_44_08.0_Vulnerabilities.threadfix”

Generate the OWASP benchmark scorecard

On your local computer, open the location where you downloaded the .threadfix file. Copy this file.

Then open the location where you unzipped the OWASP benchmark (e.g. “Benchmark-master), and paste the .threadfix file into the results folder.

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Open a command window.

Navigate to the directory containing the benchmark file (e.g. “Benchmark-master”).

Execute the command >mvn clean package

DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark Benchmark 20

This process may take several minutes to complete.

When it finishes, execute the command >createScorecards.bat. This command generates results as HTML and PNG files, and stores them in the scorecard folder of your unzipped Benchmark-master folder.

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When execution completes, you will find a report for each vulnerability type and a report for each analysis engine evaluated in the scorecard folder. Close the command window.

Interpreting the OWASP Benchmark Results

To see the results for each tool in the benchmark, including Kiuwan Code Security, open the scorecard folder and locate the file benchmark_comparison.png. This file contains a benchmark results chart similar to the one shown below.

DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark benchmark comparison 1024x731 1

Results for Kiuwan are at point “K” in the graph. These are from an April 2020 analysis of Kiuwan Code Security using the latest published version of the OWASP benchmark. Kiuwan scored a True Positive Rate (TPR) of 100% and (False Positive Rate) of 16,7%, for an overall score of 83,3%, as shown in the table below. By comparison, the next-highest tool in the chart (at point E) has a score of 39%.

DIY Guide to the OWASP Benchmark Kiuwan OWASP Summary 1024x448 1

Understanding the False Positive Rate

The OWASP benchmark uses code generated for testing purposes. Each test case in the benchmark is designed to verify a specific flaw, regardless of how common or rare that flaw might be in the real world. Therefore, results of the benchmark are useful for comparing static analysis tools, but are not necessarily a good predictor of how well a SAST tool will detect vulnerabilities in “real” code.

False positives that Kiuwan reports can be grouped into two categories: collections (sets, lists, and maps) and control flow statements.

Collections (sets, lists, and maps)

Kiuwan does not evaluate each element in a Collection individually, since as a static analysis tool, it does not execute the insertions and deletions of elements in the collection.

So, when an ‘unsafe’ element is inserted in the collection, the whole collection is considered unsafe.

Thus, in a test like the one shown below, Kiuwan finds a ‘command injection vulnerability’, although it really does not exist, and therefore is a False Positive.

String bar = "alsosafe";
if (param != null) {
      java.util.List valuesList = new java.util.ArrayList( );
      valuesList.add( param );
      valuesList.add( "moresafe" );
      valuesList.remove(0); // remove the 1st safe value
      bar = valuesList.get(1); // get the last 'safe' value
Process p = r.exec(cmd + bar, argsEnv);

To correctly detect these vulnerabilities, a DAST or IAST tool is needed, which Kiuwan is not.

Control flow statements

As in the previous example, the evaluation of the condition in a control flow statement cannot always be done with a static analysis tool.

String bar;
String guess = "ABC";
char switchTarget = guess.charAt(1); // condition 'B', which is safe

// Simple case statement that assigns param to bar on conditions 'A', 'C', or 'D'
switch (switchTarget) {
     case 'A':
           bar = param;
     case 'B': 
           bar = "bob";
     case 'C':
     case 'D': 
           bar = param;
           bar = "bob's your uncle";

request.getSession().putValue( bar, "10340");

Kiuwan resolves simple evaluations in the control statement. In other words, all paths in the control flow are evaluated as a simple path, and all assignments from user input are considered to be “unsafe.” This also can produce False Positives in the Kiuwan results.

For the OWASP guide to interpreting the results, refer to the file “OWASP_Benchmark_Guide.html” in the scorecard folder.

To understand a bit more about the OWASP benchmark and how Kiuwan performs with it, read our previous post: The OWASP Benchmark & Kiuwan. Feel free to comment on it and the little “twist” we’ve given to the benchmark as described in the post.

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