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End-to-End Application Security

Vulnerabilities in your code are exposing applications to risk from attackers, and with the ever expanding cybersecurity surface, the challenges of securing applications even after deployment is ever expanding. With kiuwan + PreEmptive you can support secure application development, deployment and management with an end-to-end approach to application security. The combined toolset allows you to identify vulnerabilities in your code during development, as well as create a solid barrier around your applications after they are live and in use. In this co-webinar event, security experts from Kiuwan & PreEmptive will provide an overview of the challenges faced by businesses leveraging applications and provide a complete approach to securing your platforms against future attacks.


This webinar provides insight into the value of end to end application security, giving you critical insight into how to leverage the collaborative solution and drive security within your application development.

  • The Application Security Landscape
  • The End To End Security Approach
  • Application Security Testing
  • Application Shielding
  • The Combined Solution
  • Expert Q&A Session


J.D. Burke
Kiuwan Sales Engineer
John Brawner
PreEmptive Sales Engineer

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