AppSec Blog

Keep up with the latest news on cybersecurity, technical trends, and programming best practices.

How to Choose the Best SAST Tools

How to Choose the Best SAST Tools

The scope and number of cyber threats facing developers are growing every day. It’s vital for companies to adopt robust security measures to safeguard their sensitive data and mitigate the risk of...

How to Choose Code Scanning Tools

How to Choose Code Scanning Tools

For as fast as the software development process can go, it’s all too easy for application security to become an afterthought. However, the right code scanning tools can make app hardening an organic...

How to Prevent Reverse Shell Attacks

How to Prevent Reverse Shell Attacks

Reverse shell attacks are one of the most common threats businesses have to face today. Even more, hackers are getting better and better at using them to compromise your organization’s security and...

A Developer’s Guide to Open-Source Code Management

A Developer’s Guide to Open-Source Code Management

The power of open source code lies in the massive number of developers who contribute to it and test it. However, the same elements that make open-source code so appealing also make it vulnerable to security risks. 

App Security Is Reputation Security

App Security Is Reputation Security

According to a 2023 report by IBM, the average data breach cost has risen 15% over the last three years to a staggering 4.45 million US dollars. As a result, 51% of companies have increased their...

7 Common App Security Misconfigurations

7 Common App Security Misconfigurations

Everyone makes mistakes at work. That's human nature. People get distracted and forget things. Most of the time, it’s no big deal. For one Pentagon staffer, however, a simple oversight led to a data...

SAST vs. SCA: What’s the Difference?

SAST vs. SCA: What’s the Difference?

Many different types of security tests are available to developer teams. However, some can only work in specific environments, and others might only work once the application is running. That’s...

How Much Does Poor Source Code Quality Cost?

How Much Does Poor Source Code Quality Cost?

To boost your bottom line, you must produce top-notch code and identify and fix all instances of low-quality code. Low-quality code refers to poorly written code containing bugs and readability...