The aim of this Troubleshooting Guide is to help you to identify, diagnose and resolve common problems you may be experiencing with Kiuwan.


Contact Kiuwan Technical Support


If you need assistance with any of the steps, you cannot resolve your issue or you have any kind of question, please contact Kiuwan Technical Support for further help.

Please read Kiuwan Tecnnical Support Guide to contact us.

If you are running Kiuwan Local Analyer GUI and you see a message like this, please contau us and communicate the ticket id so we can easily find the problem.

We will be happy to help you !!


Help on Kiuwan Errors

Most of Kiuwan errors usually appear during the process of analysis.

Reasons can be of different nature and Kiuwan will show to you the reason and how to solve it (the vast majority of the problems are due to configurations that can be solved very easily).


Sometimes, depending on the nature of the error, an error report will be uploaded to Kiuwan and a support ticket will be automatically open (with a reference to a ticket ID).

Please, provide the ticket id when you contact Kiuwan Technical Support.


Error Code Reference for Kiuwan (AN errors) :

Kiuwan Local Analyzer Exit Codes : 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) :


Troubleshooting Tips