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Welcome to SAP Extractor for Kiuwan (SAPEX)


To analyze ABAP code in Kiuwan, source code and information from SAP system need to be exported previously to be analyzed by Kiuwan.

SAP Extractor (SAPEX) for Kiuwan performs these tasks.


NOTE: SAPEX is expected to run in any SAP NetWeaver 7.2+ platform.

Contact Kiuwan Technical Support Kiuwan Support for previous platform versions.


In order to execute any Kiuwan analysis, you must first indicate where the source code is located.

This first step seems trivial when you are working with a file system or with any source code repository, but it’s not so when you are working with SAP.

ABAP code is located within SAP Server, so you should first extract ABAP code and let Kiuwan know the location of the extracted info.

After extracting the ABAP code, Kiuwan will be ready to analyze it.

Kiuwan lets you implement two different approaches on the location where the ABAP code is analyzed

You can execute the Kiuwan analyses at two different locations:

  • within the SAP server (local), or
  • from within an external server (remote)

Additionally, you can analyze:

  • manually, or
  • automatically

This way, Kiuwan will scan the code and deliver to you the analysis results.

Depending on your development life cyle you may have different needs.

Sometimes you will need to analyze a complete package, while other times you will only need to analyze a transport order.

Kiuwan allows you to fully integrate the analyses within your custom development life cycle by providing different types of analyses:

  • baseline analyses: a specific version of an application that is relevant enough to be considered as a reference to track further changes on it
  • deliveries analyses: a new distribution of the application that contains changes to the baseline, due to corrective or evolutive maintenance
    • based on scope - partial vs completeand
    • based on completion status  - resolved vs in progress 

Please visit Kiuwan Life Cycle Doc for complete information.

Therefore,  the approach to integrate SAP and Kiuwan consists on

  • To decide where should be run the Kiuwan analyses:
    • local (within the SAP server)
    • remote (within any other server of yur installation)
  • Proceed to SAPEX installation accroding to the possible scenarios (local or remote)
  • Run the ABAP code extraction mechanisms
  • Execute the Kiuwan analyses 
    • Baselines for packages
    • Deliveries for transport orders



How it works


When SAPEX components (programs, function modules, support classes, OS commands) are installed on the target SAP system, the user may perform the following operations: