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Kiuwan Local Analyzer command scripts (agent.cmd and return 0 after a successful execution.

  • In Windows you can check return code in %ERRORLEVEL%
  • In Unix you can check it in $?


Non-zero (error) codes are the following:


Return Code




-wr needed?


Analyzer execution error

Run-time execution error (out of memory, etc.)

Review log files to find exact cause.

Visit Troubleshooting page to find help on this error.

Contact Technical Support.



Audit overall result = FAIL

Audit associated to the analyzed application did not pass


See audit report for exact reasons of non compliance (checkpoints not passed, etc.)

Visit Audits Management page for further help




Invalid analysis configuration

Some configuration parameter has a wrong value

Review log files to find exact cause

Visit Troubleshooting page to find help on this error.



The downloaded model does not support any of the discovered languages

The model specified for the application does not contains rules for the technologies being analyzed

Select an appropriate model or modify the model to include those technologies not currently supported

Visit Troubleshooting page to find help on this error.



Timeout waiting for analysis results

After finishing the local analysis, results were uploaded to Kiuwan site but the second phase (index calculation) timed out.

A very common reason for this problem is when your account has reached the maximun number of analyzed locs per 24h. In this case, your analysis is enqueued and local analyzer times out. This does not mean that the analysis has failed. Indeed, the analysis is only enqueued and it will be processed as soon as the limit is over. In this situation you don't need to execute again the analysis, just wait, it will be run automatically.


Visit the log page associated to the analysis.

In case of not enough detail, please contact Kiuwan Technical Support.



Analysis finished with error in Kiuwan

Although local analysis finished successfully, there was some error during analysis processing in the cloud.

Visit the log page associated to the analysis.

In case of not enough detail, please contact Kiuwan Technical Support.



15Timeout: killed the subprocessLocal analysis timed out

Increase timeout value to a higher value.

Visit Troubleshooting page to find help on this error.

16Baseline analysis not permitted for current user

User does not have permission to run baseline analysis for the current application.

Check the user has “Write" privilege on the application.

17Delivery analysis not permitted for current userUser does not have permission to run delivery analysis for the current application.Check the user has “Execute deliveries” privilege on the application. 
18No analyzable extensions found

Kiuwan recognizes the technology of a source file by its extension. But source files to analyze do not match any of the recognized extensions.

Possible Reasons:

  • Source code directory does not exist or does not contain source code files
  • If you have modified the default supported extensions (Kiuwan Supported Technologies) please check that your source files match any of them
  • If you are using default extensions, check you are analyzing a Kiuwan supported technology and, if so, check the extensions of your files are among those considered by Kiuwan for that technology.

Visit Troubleshooting - No analyzable extensions found  and Kiuwan Supported Technologies to find help on this error.


19Error checking licenseError while getting or checking Kiuwan licenseContact Kiuwan Technical Support 

Kiuwan’s Cloud Services error

This return code will be deprecated and no longer returned by 2017 Sept 5th.

Return codes >20 will be used instead.

Error returned from Kiuwan’s services:

  • Denied access (not authorized access)
  • Authentication errors
  • Application not found (and –c option not set)
  • Max number of API calls to Kiuwan services is exceeded

Take appropriate action depending on specific error condition.


21<return code not in use>   
22Access deniedLack of permissions to access some Kiuwan entity (application analyses, deliveries, etc)Review log files to find exact cause and contact your Kiuwan administrator. 
23Bad CredentialsUser-supplied credentials are not valid.Contact your Kiuwan administrator. 
24Application Not FoundThe invoked action cannot be completed because the associated application does not exist.Review log files to find exact cause and contact your Kiuwan administrator. 
25Limit Exceeded for Calls to Kiuwan APILimit of max Kiuwan API calls per hour (1000) has been exceeded.Contact Kiuwan Technical Support if you have any question on your acccount’s limits. 
26Quota Limit ReachedSome limit in the Kiuwan account is reached (max number of account’s analysis is reached, etc.)Contact Kiuwan Technical Support if you have any question on your acccount’s limits. 
27Analysis Not FoundThe invoked action cannot be completed because the associated analysis does not exist.

Review log files to find exact cause

Contact Kiuwan Technical Support

28Application already existsTry to create an already existing application.Review log files to find exact cause and contact your Kiuwan administrator. 
30Delivery analysis not permitted: baseline analysis not foundA delivery analysis is being executed but there's not any baseline analysis for that application.Before to run a delivery analysis, a baseline analysis must exist for that application. 
31No engine availableThe analysis fails because there's no any available engine to process the source files. This situation is very unusual but could be produced because the upgrade failed due to some blocking situation.

If possible, delete the Kiuwan Local Analyzer installation and download a new one from Kiuwan website.

In case it's not possible to delete the current installation, please contact Kiuwan Technical Support.

32Unexpected errorNot expected errorContact Kiuwan Technical Support. 
33Out of MemoryThe analysis fails because the configured max memory is not enough to finish the analysis.Increase the max memory as described in Troubleshooting - Out of Memory 
34JVM ErrorError at JVM levelContact Kiuwan Technical Support. 
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