This section will introduce you to the Obsolence section in Kiuwan Insights. 


Obsolescence Page

With Kiuwan Insights, you can easily explore the versions of the components used by your application.

For every external component, Kiuwan Insights clearly states the version used and provides an Obsolescence Risk indicator.

To see this, go to Insights > Obsolescence. This page displays: 

  1. Overall Information on Components – aggregated information on number and type of components
  2. List of Components – detailed listing of components
  3. Component detail – detailed information on the selected component

Before explaining the page contents, you should understand some basic concepts widely used throughout the Obsolescence page.

Obsolescence Risk

Any component has a life cycle. This means that at some date it was created and it evolved through different versions during its lifetime.

When Kiuwan Insight detects the use of a component, it displays its Used Version in your application, as well as the date when that version was released (Date).

Also, Kiuwan displays the Last Version (the latest released version of the component) and the date when the last version was released (Date).

With these values, Kiuwan Insights calculates two important periods:

  • Out of date: the elapsed time between the date of the used version and the date of the latest version (a measure of the antiquity of your version respect to the latest version)
  • Inactivity time: the elapsed time between the date of the latest version and the current date (a measure of how active is the component)

High values for those periods are not desirable:

High Out of date valueYou are probably missing bugfixes and new functionalities that are in newer versions.
High Inactivity time valueThe component is “dead” and you should find some more active components.

Out of Date and Inactivity Time values are converted to a yearly-scale ranging from 0 to 10 years (values higher than 10y are taken as 10).

Obsolescence Risk is calculated as a weighted average of Out of Date and Inactivity Time values (converted to years):

  • Out of Date: 30%
  • Inactivity Time: 70%

Resulting values of Out of Date, Inactivity Time and Obsolescence Risk are considered as follows:

Value (years)




( 0, 2y  ]


( 2y, 5y  ]


( 5y, 10y ]


Overall Information on Components

According to the above explanation of concepts, the Obsolescence tab displays the overall obsolescence information of your application.

The overall section displays:

  • The number of components falling in High-Med-Low categories for Obsolescence Risk, Out of Date and Inactivity Time
  • A scatter plot of the components’ obsolescence
  • Alerts on several components with High value of Obsolescence Risk, Out of Date and Inactivity Time

List of Components

Kiuwan Insights provides a full list of all those components being used by your application.

For every 3rd party component, you will have access to detailed component information such as:

  • Component name 
  • Used version (and release Date)
  • Last version (and release Date)
  • Number of releases between Used and Last versions
  • Out of Date 
  • Inactivity Time 
  • Obsolescence Risk 

Component details

By clicking on a component, you will have access to the following information:

  • Description of the component
  • The timely scale of component releases
  • Full list of releases (Version, Release Date, and Age)

  • No labels