


Deliveries module displays information on existing deliveries, allowing to take some actions on them.
Basically, this module allows to search for deliveries specifying different searching criteria:


Change Request

Selecting Change Requests tab, Kiuwan will display deliveries grouped by the Change Request they belong.
This option would be usefull, for example, when you need to know how many deliveries are associated to a CR (providing an indicator of the quality of the delivery process).
For every CR, Kiuwan will display information as show in the picture.


Kiuwan will display deliveries ordered by analysis date. 
CR records display information on last delivery for that CR. 
Clicking on the triangle icon at the left of each CR opens a complete list of the deliveries of the CR.
Details of every delivery are displayed when clicking on the triangle icon at the left of each delivery.

Next information is presented for every delivery:

Additional details can be displayed clicking on the triangle icon at the left of each delivery.

Detailed information provides usefull information to compare analysis results of delivery versus baseline. It provides a comparative between the delivery and the baseline

Delete link allows to remove the delivery analysis from Kiuwan.


If Application tab is selected, Kiuwan will display deliveries grouped by the application they belong.
For every application, Kiuwan will display information as show in the picture.

Application records display information on last delivery for that application. First field (summatory symbol) shows the total number of deliveries of that application.
Clicking on the triangle icon at the left of each Application opens a complete list of the deliveries of the application.
Details of every delivery are displayed when clicking on the triangle icon at the left of each delivery.



If Deliveries tab is selected, Kiuwan will display a list of deliveries (for the selected data range) ordered by analysis date.
For every delivery, Kiuwan will display information as show in the picture.


Clicking on the triangle icon at the left of every delivery will open details on the selected delivery.



Monitoring the execution of deliveries

Above tabs display "successfully finished” deliveries, i.e. analyses finished without any technical error condition.
But, what about monitoring “failed” or “ongoing” analyses?

Deliveries Tab incorporates a legend that provides information about “failed” and “in progress” delivery analyses.

  • By "failed" you should understand that analysis failed for some reason (you should check the log to see the exact reason), and there will not be any results for it.
  • By "in progress", the local analysis finished but the second phase (performed at the cloud) is still executing.

This legend only appears when there are deliveries either in progress or failed.

In these cases, clicking on the legend will display a page where you can see the details of those deliveries.

For every delivery, you can see the status (running or failed). Also, you can access the log page and/or delete the current analysis.



Clicking on “Back to completed deliveries” will take you back to the Deliveries tab.