Review Status of Defects

After an analysis, you will need to spend some time to review the defects found by Kiuwan. You need to fully understand them before to submit its correction to developers.

During the review process, some of them will be reviewed very fast, but others may take a while.

Reasons to review defects can be various, e.g. to confirm if it's a true or false positive.


During the review process, Kiuwan can help you allowing you to set a Review Status for any defect:

  • To review, i.e. someone needs to review the defect in detail 
  • Reviewed, someone has completed the review process of that defect

Also, you can add Notes to the review process.


After reviewed, you could:


Defects' Review Status is exported to Kiuwan for Developers and displayed within Server Defects List.

This allows to inform developers of those defects that should be reviewed.


How to set the Review Status of a Defect 

First, select the concrete defect, open the menu at the right and select Status option.

Clicking on Status option, the Defect Status window appears.

Select the review status and add a note (if you need it).

After clicking on Apply button, if the selected defect status is To Review it will be marked by a label.


How to find defects by Review Status


Once you are located at Defects tab, you can filter defects list by Status