
By default, Kiuwan sets a timeout of 60 minutes for the different steps of the analysis. This timeout halts the analysis process in case some step indefinitely hangs.


GUI mode

If you are using Kiuwan Local Analyzer in GUI mode, a dialog will open indicating this error:


Please note that this dialog also displays the support ticket code you can provide to Kiuwan Technical Support.

You can also detect this kind of error looking at the log file. In case this error happens, analysis windows will look like this:

Then, you can click on “Analyzer log” link to open a window where log file (temp/agentGUI.log) is displayed.

You will find some line as the following indicating that a timeout has been produced.

ERROR 2016-10-03 13:01:21,960 - ERROR running target "run.rules" - Timeout: killed the sub-process
C:\Luis\Kiuwan\Nuevo\KiuwanLocalAnalyzer\bin\analyzerCommon.xml:79: Timeout: killed the sub-process

CLI mode

If you are using Kiuwan Local Analyzer in CLI mode, this error is reported to the standard output.


An error code will be returned to the calling process.

Please visit Local Analyzer Return Codes Deprecated for further info con return codes.


Provide steps that the user can take to solve the problem. For example "The level 7 printer will flash red when it is out of paper. Add paper to tray 1".

Sometimes, this default timeout is not enough to finish the analysis. Due to the size of your application code, the analysis might need more time to finish. Therefore, the first action is to increase it to a higher value.

You can do it in two ways.

First, change the timeout value:

Click Advanced, selecting Analysis Configuration and in modifying the “Analysis timeout (minutes)” property (set by default to 60 minutes).


After modifying the value, clicking on Save button will open the next dialog:


If you click “Save”, this configuration will apply only to the current applications.

If you click “Save as defaults”, configuration changes will apply to all the applications of your Kiuwan Local Analyzer installation.


An alternative way to change this timeout value is by modifying con/ file. To do it, edit “timeout” property:

# Timeout to use for max execution time of each analysis step

Please, note that this property is specified in milliseconds !!!


If you have a specific configuration for an application and you want the change only to be applied to that specific application, you will need to modify this property in con/apps/<name_of_your_app>.properties file.

In case the problem persists, please contact Kiuwan Technical Support.

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