When your certificate or license files have expired, you should redeploy the needed resources to your Kiuwan instances.

Updating licenses

To update licenses files used in a Kiuwan On-Premises running installation please proceed with the following steps.

Step 1: update your user-content files

Refer to common steps section in this page.

Step 2: stop Kiuwan instances

Stop all running Kiuwan instances by running the following command:

cd [INSTALLER_DIR]/docker
sudo ./stop-kiuwan.sh

Step 3: update the persistent volumes

Once the license files have been updated, run these commands to copy all files to the configured volumes, set the needed permissions, and update the configured Kiuwan instances:

Update the following file in case you want to update the license when you do NOT want to update the KOP clients or you do NOT have an internet connection:


Change the directive kiuwan.clients.update before executing the script sudo ./update.sh




Review the script outcome and verify that it was completed successfully (exit 0)

When the entire update process is completed, do not forget to update the same directive back to kiuwan.clients.update=true to have the file ready for future product updates.

sudo ./deploy-user-content.sh
cd [INSTALLER_DIR]/docker
sudo ./update.sh

Step 4: start Kiuwan instances

Start all Kiuwan instances by running the following command:

cd [INSTALLER_DIR]/docker
sudo ./start-kiuwan.sh

Updating certificates

Step 1: update your user-content files

Refer to common steps section in this page.

Step 2: stop Kiuwan instances and infrastructure services

Stop all running Kiuwan instances by running the following command:

cd [INSTALLER_DIR]/docker
sudo ./stop-kiuwan.sh
sudo ./stop-infrastructure.sh

Step 3: update the persistent volumes

Once the certificate files have been updated, please run these commands to copy all files to the configured volumes, set the needed permissions, and update the configured Kiuwan instances:

Update the following file in case you want to update the certificate when you do NOT want to update the KOP clients or you do NOT have an internet connection:


Change the directive kiuwan.clients.update before executing the script sudo ./update.sh




Review the script outcome and verify that it was completed successfully (exit 0)

When the entire update process is completed, do not forget to update the same directive back to kiuwan.clients.update=true to have the file ready for future product updates.

sudo ./deploy-user-content.sh
sudo ./update.sh

Step 4: start Kiuwan instances and infrastructure services

Start all Kiuwan instances by running the following command:

cd [INSTALLER_DIR]/docker
sudo ./start-infrastructure.sh
sudo ./start-kiuwan.sh

Common steps: update your user-content files

The user-content folder should be already populated with the files used in the first time installation procedure.

These files must be present in the user-content folder before proceeding to the next steps:

  • Certificate files:
    • [INSTALLER_DIR]/user-content/certs/cacert.pem
    • [INSTALLER_DIR]/user-content/certs/domaincert.pem
    • [INSTALLER_DIR]/user-content/certs/domainkey.pem
    • [INSTALLER_DIR]/user-content/certs/domainkeystore.jks
    • [INSTALLER_DIR]/user-content/certs/truststore.jks
  • License files:
    • [INSTALLER_DIR]/user-content/configq1.zip
    • [INSTALLER_DIR]/user-content/license.zip
  • MySQL connector:
    • [INSTALLER_DIR]/user-content/mysql-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar

Note that certificate files can be automatically populated after running the Kiuwan On-Premises certificate creation tool. Please refer to Managing certificates section for more information.