

Javascript rule "Avoid hard-coded or in-comment passwords in code" ( rule code OPT.JAVASCRIPT.PasswordInComments) searched for hard-coded passwords in source code.

Thi rule checks if there are comments in the code that contain expressions that match with a predefined regexp pattern, so it can lead

to several false positives and/or false negatives.


This rule contains a parameter "passwordPattern" that you can edit to change the default patter if you are finding many false positives.


The default regexp pattern is :


public static final String _PASSWORD_TOKEN =
  * Common regex pattern for detecting a password encoded in comments.
  * Matches a 'password' token in common languages, optionally followed by at most 7 plain words,
  * with optional whitespace followed by a separator/quoting char.
 public static final String PASSWORD_IN_COMMENT_PATTERN = "(\\b|_)(?:"+_PASSWORD_TOKEN+")(?:\\s+[\\p{L}]+){0,7}\\s*[=\\:\\-'\"]";





ERROR running target "run" - Temporal license not valid yet
com.optimyth.license.model.LicenseExpiredException: Temporal license not valid yet



This error happens when KLA detects that the license is not valid (yet) because your computer time is before the expected  license validity time. 


Provide steps that the user can take to solve the problem. For example "The level 7 printer will flash red when it is out of paper. Add paper to tray 1".

Most common reasons for this problem are:

  1. Your computer local time is not synchronized with Time Servers and is running before official time (probably some minutes)


Solution is easy : Adjust your computer time to the official time

Most common way to do it is to get sync'd with a NTP Time Server, although you can also manually adjust your time.


Anyway, if you are behind the official time a matter of minutes, just wait .. once the license validity time matches your computer time, the error will dissapear (for this time, but it will happen again..)


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