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Automated audit before release of a transport order


A 'transport order' for a change request / task in SAP Change Transport System (CTS) could be released using transaction SE10 (among others).

SAP provides an enhancement to 'hook' the release action with custom code to check the contents of the transport order. You may register an implementation for it, and activate it.


The implementation may leverage Kiuwan audits for checking that the source code in the transport order to be released satisfies quality / security constraints.

The Kiuwan Local Analyzer should be deployed in the SAP system, with the ZKW_KLA_AGENT OS command registered.

See Install programs for details.


This uses the Classic BAdI Implementation ZKW_BADI_REQ_CHECK

Such implementation will:

  1. Extract source code for objects in the transport order. 
  2. Run analysis with Kiuwan Local Analyzer. 
  3. Check that the audit checkpoints passes. 
  4. Cancel the release when the audit does not pass.



Before use, you must activate it.

To do it, open transaction SE19, choose 'Edit Implementation' and Classic BAdI Implementation, specifying ZKW_BADI_REQ_CHECK.


Then, click on Change button


and click on Activate icon.





A candidate implementation for the CTS_REQUEST_CHECK is provided in the ZCL_IM_KW_BADI_REQ_CHECK.


For registration, open transaction SE19, choose in 'Create implementation' for Classic BAdI CTS_REQUEST_CHECK:


Push the 'Create' button and give 'ZKW_BADI_REQ_CHECK' as implementation name (so the generated implementation class will be named 'ZCL_IM_KW_BADI_REQ_CHECK'):



Replace the source with the one in the provided ZCL_IM_KW_BADI_REQ_CHECK.abap code, and modify any private method if needed:

" Sample BAdI implementation for checking if the code for a transport request / task
" passes audit configured in Kiuwan, during transport release.
" Use transaction SE19 to create BAdI implementation named ZKW_BADI_REQ_CHECK
" (for the CTS_REQUEST_CHECK classic BAdI), and replace the generated class code
" with this.
" You may change parts of this logic to better fit your needs.
class ZCL_IM_KW_BADI_REQ_CHECK definition
  create public .

  public section.

    interfaces IF_EX_CTS_REQUEST_CHECK .

  protected section.

  private section.

      " Implementation hooks. You may change them if needed

        returning value(kla_exists) type abap_bool,

      " The temporary directory where the transport order code should be exported
          value(request) type e070
          value(folder)  type ref to zkw_cl_folder_server,

      " Check if the request should be considered a partial delivery (not a complete one).
          value(request) type e070
          value(is_partial_delivery) type abap_bool,

      " Extracts source code for the transport
          value(request) type e070
          value(folder)  type ref to zkw_cl_folder_server
          value(exported_ok) type abap_bool,

      " Run Kiuwan Local Analyzer for the exported transport sources
          value(request)             type e070
          value(is_partial_delivery) type abap_bool
          value(folder)              type ref to zkw_cl_folder_server
          value(exit_code)           type i,

      " Check if exit code returned by Kiuwan Local Analyzer means that the transport is in good condition for release
      " (analysis was successfull, audit checkpoints passed...)
          value(request)   type e070
          value(exit_code) type i
          value(ret)       type abap_bool,

      " Report a message, defaults to a MESSAGE statement with I (info) level
        importing value(msg) type string

    " We might use a message class instead of hardcoded texts, but we prefer to keep it self-contained...
    " We keep this with &n placeholders if you need to i18n this in a proper message class...
      MSG_INVALID_TRANSPORT type string value 'Invalid transport request/task &1' ##NO_TEXT,
      MSG_INVALID_FOLDER    type string value 'Invalid folder: &1' ##NO_TEXT,
      MSG_EXTRACT_ERROR     type string value 'Error extracting transport &1, due to &2' ##NO_TEXT,
      MSG_GENERIC_ERROR     type string value 'Kiuwan analysis for transport &1 failed. Please review analysis log' ##NO_TEXT,
      MSG_TIMEOUT           type string value 'Timeout reached in Kiuwan analysis for transport &1' ##NO_TEXT,
      MSG_AUDIT_FAILED      type string value 'The Kiuwan audit has failed for transport &1' ##NO_TEXT,
      MSG_UNKNOWN_ERROR     type string value 'Kiuwan Local Agent for transport &1 has returned an unknown return code: &2' ##NO_TEXT,
      MSG_OK                type string value 'Code for transport &1 meets the SLAs established by your company' ##NO_TEXT



Note: the check_partial_delivery() and is_valid() methods are often customized.


Then, activate the BAdI (with the 'magic wand' button):


You may test now, trying to release a 'test' transport order.

If the results do not satisfy your expectations, deactivate the BAdI implementation (and modify + reactivate, or remove it).