

Local configuration of Kiuwan Insights

Kiuwan Local Analyzer allows to configure several XXXXXXX

You can set these properties editing ${KLA_INST_DIR}/conf/ file


Local Maven Repository

In case your installation contains a local Maven repo , you can configure KLA to search for components' information also in your local repository.

To do it, just configure the location through property : 

#Directory where the local maven repository is.


Additional Public Maven Repositories

By default, Kiuwan search for components' information in Maven central. We will be adding some other public repositories, but you can also add repos you know are using.

In case you need to add additional public Maven repos, you can do it by adding those repos to property : maven.public.repositories

#Url of public repositories (different to maven repository) for example,
#separated by comma.


Additional Private Maven Repositories

You can add additional private Maven repos, you can do it by adding those repos to below properties : maven.public.repositories

Luego tienes estas otras propiedades
#Remote repositories data.
#If you need add other remote repositories you can add new properties
#with next number at the end of word repository (repository2, repository3,...)
que es para repositorios privados
donde hay que configurar los datos que pide (creo que están claros)
Si tienes que añadir varios será copiar esas propiedades pero poniendo un 2 en vez de un 1 y luego 3,4,etc...
Si tienes alguna duda lo vemos


felix.carnicero [9:08 AM]
Una cosilla si el repo privado no tiene usuario/password por ejemplo se dejan vacíos y listo


juancarlos.castromil [9:32 AM]
OK gracias