New version of CQM (v1.2.15) and Kiuwan Engine 

A new Kiuwan’s CQM and Engine is available.

Features of this new version are:

  • New PHP security rules (10)
  • Improved Java support with new rules for Android (7) and support for Play Framework
  • New security rules (2) for Django (Python)
  • New ABAP rules (17)

You can find these new rules by comparing v1.2.15 of CQM against previous version.  

A detailed description of the behavior of these new rules is available in rule’s description.

Unless you have blocked Kiuwan Engine, Kiuwan Local Analyzer will automatically upgrade it to the last version once a new analysis is run.

In order for these new rules be applicable, your Kiuwan account must be configured to allow automatic engine upgrade:

  • If you are using CQM, these new rules will automatically become active and will be applied to new analyses.
  • If you are using your own custom model, you can activate them in case you want to be applied to your code.


New PHP Security Rules

Improved Java support (Android and Play Framework)

Android support has been improved with the addition of new rules:

Also, support for Play Framework (OPT.JAVA.SEC_JAVA.PlaySecurityMisconfiguration) has been added to Kiuwan.

Enhanced Django Python support

Existing security rules for Django framework have been enhanced by supporting new sinks/sources as well as improvements in tainting propagation.

Besides, 2 new security rules have added to current Django set:

You can find Django rules by filtering by "Django" Framework in CQM model.

New ABAP Rules