Subscription page allows to view Kiuwan’s subscription data as well as limits and actual consumptions.

This page is divided in three sections explained below:


Subscription page is only accessible to account admin.


Details of your subscription


This section displays the following subscription data



Account id: 

Kiuwan account ID that uniquely identifies your account in Kiuwan system.

Account owner: 

e-mail address of account’s owner

Subscription (Edition):  

Kiuwan account’s Edition (according to

Account LOC limit: 

Maximum number of LOCs (source code) for the whole account, regardless the number of applications.

This limit means that the total of all the application’s code cannot be higher than it.

This is not a limit on analyzed lines, only applies to applications size, indeed you can analyze the same application as many times as you need (see limits on analysis execution below).

Consumed LOC:

Current size of source code of all account applications. It’s the actual consumption of Account Loc limit.

This number is calculated summing up the locs of the last analysis of every application.

Whenever an analysis arrives to Kiuwan, it will calculate the resulting size of the whole account.

If that calculated size is higher than the Account LOC limit, the analysis will be rejected and the system will inform of this circumstance with a message like this:

It seems that you have tried to analyze an application that exceeds your current account limits [Size: 1,203,626 LOC, Limit: 1,200,000 LOC].

Concurrent analysis:

Kiuwan performs an analysis in two steps.

This parameter is the maximum allowed of analysis (calculus of indicators) for this account that can be executed in parallel

Attention: This does not mean that you cannot execute locally in parallel more than this number. This only means that, in case there were no free Kiuwan server execution slots, only that number of analysis will be executed in parallel.

In case this situation occurs, that analysis will wait until free execution slots are available, either because one of the running analyses of this account finishes or because execution slots are freed as analyses of other accounts finish.


Expiration date:

Expiration date of Kiuwan account.

Before this date arrives, account expiration emails are sent to account owner.


Last 30 days account consumption

This sections graphically displays account analysis consumption during the last 30 days.

Consumption is compared against the limit as follows.

Red line (“Analyzable LOC limit (last 24h)”) means the maximum number of analyzable locs in a period of 24 hours. This is a fixed limit established when subscription is purchased.  It’s usually a flat horizontal line (unless subscription limit has been modified during he displayed period).

Blue line (“Analyzed LOC (last 24h)”) represents the number of analyzed locs in the last 24-hours, calculated for every hour of every day (therefore indicating the analyzed loc consumption).

Whenever both lines meet, it means that account analysis limit is reached.

What happens if that limit is reached?

When a new analysis arrives to Kiuwan, a calculation is made summing up all the analyzed locs since that moment until 24 h before. If that number reaches the account limit, that analysis will be queued, and after 1 minute it will be again dispatched to execution (performing again the comparison). At the moment the limit is not reached, the analysis will be executed.


Consumption by application

This section diplays analyzed locs per application during the last 30 days. Also it shows how many analyses were executed for every application in that period.