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This is a guide for system administration (sysadmin) with Kiuwan On-Premises. 


Table of Contents


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KOP Administrators




There are two types of KOP





  • sysadmin
    • access to KOP sysconsole, with functionalities related to monitoring and tuning KOP execution
  • kiuwanadmin
    • access to Kiuwan


    • functional


    • administration


    • modules such as Users, Applications and Model



A typical role distribution 



KOP solution is deployed on a centralized server (all the components are installed in the same host) and accessed by users via HTTP website access or by IDE plugins (Eclipse, Visual Studio).



System Architecture Overview

Kiuwan On-Premises (KOP) is based on a client-server architecture with the following major server components:

  • WildFly application server 
  • MySQL database

KOP solution is deployed on a centralized server (all the components are installed in the same host) and accessed by users via HTTP website access or by IDE plugins (Eclipse, Visual Studio).

KOP also supports distributed architecture with high-availability and load-balancing. For these scenarios, please contact Kiuwan support.

Server Host Requirements

Kiuwan On-Premises (KOP)  solution is deployed on a centralized server host (all the components are installed in the same host) and accessed by users via HTTP or by IDE plugins (Eclipse, Visual Studio).


titleServer Host Requirements
  • Linux kernel version 3.10 or higher

  • CS Docker Engine version 1.10 or higher installed on your server 

  • Connectivity to SMTP Mail Server (i.e. remotely accessible or locally installed)

  • The first phase of installation process (building the Kiuwan image) requires Internet connectivity 

  • Installation must be executed using any unix user with privileges to execute docker server commands


 Server CPU and memory requirements depend on several factors:

  • how many lines of code will need to be scanned
  • how many analyses will need to be executed in parallel 
  • how many users will access the web application



It's important to notice that we're assuming the typical use case where code analyses are performed locally through Kiuwan Local Analyzer, and therefore out of server machine (tipically at a user machine or within a build CI system).

Therefore, when we talk about analysis we mean 2nd phase of the analysis (i.e. indicator calculation that is executed within the host server)


Above factors heavily influence host server requirements, but minimum requirements are:

Operating SystemRAMCPUsDiskOther SW

Linux kernel version 3.10 or higher

16 GB

Intel i7 2,5 GHz with 4 cores

750 GBCS Docker Engine version 1.10 or higher

Note: CPU clock speed and disk speed will affect overal response time. 


Above configuration is recommended for a system load that requires continuous service for:

  • parallel execution of 2 analyses (any additional parallel analysis request will be enqueued, and it will be executed as soon as any of the running analyses finishes), and
  • 50 concurrent web-users

Additional system requirements can be met by following next recommendations:

  • In case you need a higher number of parallel analyses executions, you should add 1 CPU core and 512 Mb for any additional required parallel analysis
  • In case you need to improve response time to web users, conside to add 1Gb for every 50 additional web users.


Installation steps

Before installing KOP, make sure that you understand the System Architecture Overview, that your server host(s) complies with the Server Host Requirements, and that you have properly prepared the Environment as follows:



Installation requirements:

  • The installation requires CS Docker Engine version 1.10 or higher installed on your server  

  • Be sure you meet Server Host Requirements

  • The first phase of installation process (building the Kiuwan image) requires Internet connectivity 

  • Installation must be executed using any unix user with privileges to execute docker server commands

Installation Steps:
Table of Contents


Step 1. Unpackage KOP Installation Package


KOP Installation Package consists on a tarball gz file (vX.Y.tar.gz) containing all the kiuwan docker files.

  • Copy the distribution tarball to your host server’s installation directory ($KOP_INSTDIR)
  • Uncompress the distribution tarball  
    • tar xvzf vX.Y.tar.gz 
  • This will create a $KOP_INSTDIR/vX.Y directory with all the kiuwan docker files

  • In $KOP_INSTDIR/vX.Y  you will find a file named Dockerfile where you will configure the Kiuwan docker image.


KOP Licenses are distributed through two license distribution zipfiles:


To install the licences:

  1. Copy both zipfiles to "license" directory of you KOP installation directory
    • cp $KOP_INSTDIR/vX.Y/license
    • cp $KOP_INSTDIR/vX.Y/license
  2. Continue configuring and building your KOP image



Step 2. Configure Kiuwan Docker image


After unpackaging, you should configure the docker image to be built.

Configuration of Kiuwan docker image is currently done through below properties.

This configuration can be specified in two ways:





PropertyName (=default value) 



Directory of the container where Kiuwan software will be installed.

SSH_ROOT_PWD=passwordPassword for root user (SSH) of Kiuwan container


Password for MySQL root user when creating Kiuwan database.


Username and password used by Kiuwan app to access MySQL database

Hostname (or ip address) and port number to access Kiuwan.

These variables will be used to build Kiuwan URL.

Example (with default values):


Email address of Kiuwan admin user

  • this email address will be used to send notifications to admin user


Sender email address for Kiuwan notifications

  • email address used for above sender name


SMTP account : username and password


SMTP host and port


System user/group for WildFly's installation and execution


You can visit Advanced Configuration for additional configuration parameters.


Step 3. Build the Kiuwan Docker image


After configuration, you will build the Kiuwan docker image.


IMPORTANT: Please be sure you have already installed KOP licenses, otherwise the docker image will not be built !!


To build it (configuration done at Dockerfile):

     cd $KOP_INSTDIR/vX.Y
     docker build -t <image_name:version> .

 where image_name can be any string that helps you to identify the image (for example kop:v1.2)


If you prefer to specify the configuration by command line arguments, you can use:

     docker build \
            --build-arg \
            --build-arg KIUWAN_PORT=myPortNumber \
			--build-arg ...  \
            -t <image_name:version> .


This step requires Internet connectivity.

If your installation uses an proxy, you should build it with next command:


     docker build \
            --build-arg http_proxy=http://user:pass@proxy_host:proxy_port \
            -t <image_name:version> .

In case you need to execute the Kiuwan container in a host server without Internet connectivity:

  1. Build the image in a connected server host
  2. Save the image, transfer it to the target host server and then load it and execute it (as further described)



After image creation,  you will be able to list the images in your docker server and identify your kiuwan image by issuing the next command:

     docker images

Image Removed


Step 3.1 (Optional) Moving the image to another server host

After creating the image, if you want to move it to another host server you first must save it to a tarball by executing: 

     docker save kop:v1.2 > kop_v12_saved_image.tar 
Then,  transfer the image tarball to the destination host and load it by executing:
     docker load --input kop_v12_saved_image.tar 


Step 4. Post-build configuration of the Kiuwan Docker image


After building the image, an initial execution of the image it’s need  to complete the installation process.

To do it, execute:

     docker run --rm --name <my_container_name> \
                     -h <my_container_host_name> \
                     -v <server_host_mount_dir:container_mount_dir> \
                     -e KIUWAN_FIRST_TIME="Y" -it \
  • IMPORTANT: <container_mount_dir> must match KIUWAN_VOL property of Dokerfile

This step will configure and populate Kiuwan database as well as set up directory structure of Kiuwan image.

This step only should be executed once and previously to run the container.


For example, the next command:

   docker run --rm --name kop -h -v /data/kop:/kiuwan_vol -e KIUWAN_FIRST_TIME="Y" -it kop:v1.2
  • will assign "kop" as the name of the container
  • will assign  "" as the hostname of the container
  • will install KOP sw in 
    • /data/kop in server host 
    • /kiuwan_vol/ in container 

Step 5. Executing the Kiuwan Docker container


After the container is built, you can execute (run) the Kiuwan container by issuing the following command:

     docker run --rm --name <my_container_name> \
                     -h <my_container_host_name> \
                     -v <server_host_mount_dir:container_mount_dir> \
                     -p <mysql_port_ext>:3306 -p <ssh_port_ext>:22 -p <kiuwan_port_ext>:7080 \
                     -e START_AND_RUN="Y" -d \
  • <container_mount_dir> must match KIUWAN_VOL property of Dokerfile
  • You need to map several ports from the  container to the host machine in order to access the  container. That’s done by using –p server_port:container_port.

    • <mysql_port_ext> : server host port to access container's MySQL (you can leave it to standard 3306 if MySQL is not running in server host)
    • <ssh_port_ext> : server host port to access container thorugh SSH (must be different to standard 22 because most probably SHH:22 will be running in server host)
    • <kiuwan_port_ext> :  external port to access Kiuwan ( IMPORTANT: <kiuwan_port_ext> must match KIUWAN_PORT property of Dokerfile)

You can stop the Kiuwan container by issuing the following command:

     docker stop <my_container_name>

This System Administration Guide is addressed to the sysadmin user.

Please refer to Kiuwan Admin Guide for the Kiuwan functional administration guide.

SysAdmin Console

titleSysAdmin Console

The system administration user (sysadmin) has access to the SysAdmin Console :


Please note that the SysAdmin console uses the same URL that KOP URL, just login in as sysadmin and SysAdmin Console will appear.

 Sysadmin console provides access to following functionalities:

  • System Administration page
  • Account Management
  • Analysis Administration
  • Insights Administration
  • Support 

System Administration page is the default page when you log in to SysAdmin Console.

All the other options are available through the drop-down menu.

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System Administration

Once you log into SysAdmin Console, the System Administration page is displayed

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System Administration page display the following contents:

  • Licensed products 
    • A list with licensed products for your KOP installation
  • License expiration date
    • The expiration date for your KOP license
  • Kiuwan Core 
    • Installed version and Last available version for Kiuwan Core
    • In case your installed KOP version is not the last available, you may decide to upgrade.
    • For instructions on upgrade your KOP installation, please visit Upgrading your KOP installation
  • Kiuwan Clients
    • Installed version and Last available version for each of Kiuwan Clients ( Kiuwan Local Analyzer, Kiuwan Engines and  Kiuwan 4 Developers for supported IDE's)
    • In case of any installed KOP client is not the last available, you may decide to upgrade.
    • For instructions on upgrade your KOP installation, please visit Upgrading your KOP installation
    • Minimum KOP version needed to upgrade clients
      • There are some dependencies between Kiuwan Clients and Core. 
      • This field indicates the minimum KOP Core version needed to be installed in order to upgrade the KOP Clients.
      • If your KOP current version is older than the minimum required, you need to upgrade Kiuwan Core. 

Account Management 

The Account Management page lets you change the password for the sysadmin user.

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Analysis Management 

The Analysis Management page lets you access the Queues Monitor

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A complete Kiuwan analysis involves two-phases:

  • 1st Phase - Local Analysis
    • KLA analyzes source files and upload reports to Kiuwan
  • 2nd Phase - Cloud Metrics Calculation
    • Indicators and metrics are calculated in the cloud based on uploaded analysis reports

KOP uses an in-memory message queue to process those reports. This message-based queue ("Reports generated queue") allows to process (and manage) analyses in an orderly fashion

Messages in this queue are processed by a JVM (executing WildFly and KOP application).

By default, the queue is attended by one thread in the KOP JVM.

This means that, by default, analyses are sequentially processed.

States of an analysis

Once the local analysis finishes,  KLA uploads reports to KOP and identifies the analysis by an Analysis Code (e.g. A-7e2-1669fcae0cf).

Then, the analysis could be in either of two possible states:

Analysis StateMeaning
STATIC_ANALYSIS_FINISHED(1) The local static analysis is finished and results are waiting to be processed (to calculate indicators)


(2) The analysis reports are currently being processed (in progress)

 Messages in the queue

Queue monitor displays the number of messages in the Reports Generated Queue.

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This means the number of analyses waiting to be processed.

If this number is constantly greater than 0, that means that there's a bottleneck and you (as sysadmin) should increase the throughput to avoid waiting states.

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As said above, by default the KOP JVM listens to the message queue with 1 thread. You can configure the max number of threads by introducing an upper value and click on the Change button.

Also, you can stop processing by clicking on the Stop button.

Active Analyses 

Click Active Analyses and the queue monitor will display ALL the active analyses, regardless of their state (STATIC_ANALYSIS_FINISHED and PARSING_REPORTS).


Click REPORTS_GENERATED_QUEUE, the queue monitor will display only the analyses waiting to be processed (i,e STATIC_ANALYSIS_FINISHED).

Dispatch selected Analysis

As said before, messages queues are maintained in memory (in Redis). But, message sates are also maintained in ddbb (MySQL).

Sometimes, Redis and MySql might get unsynced.  This is not frequent, but after some JVM crashes (for whatever reason) you could get this situation.

The most frequent unsyncing situation might be that an analysis is in PARSING_REPORTS state (in MySql) but it's not currently being processed (you will see that is not "red" in Active Analyses table.

This would mean that analysis is "orphaned".

In this case, the analysis needs to be manually enqueued. To do it, just check the analysis and click Dispatch selected analysis. This action will re-enqueue the analysis.


The support page allows collecting the most important log files of KOP installation for troubleshooting purposes.

Image Added

Click Extract support data to obtain a zip file with the most relevant log files.


Step 6.1 Execution in debug mode (only sshd) 

Just in case you are running with problems while executing Kiuwan container, you can run it in debug mode.

This means to apply the configuration but not starting the services, allowing you to access the container through ssh.



After the container is built, you can execute (run) the Kiuwan container in debug mode by issuing the following command:


     docker run --rm --name <my_container_name> \
                     -h <my_container_host_name> \
                     -v <server_host_mount_dir:container_mount_dir> \
                     -p <ssh_port_ext>:22  \
                     -d \

Step 6. Accessing Kiuwan On Premise


Once Kiuwan On Premise container is running, you can access it from a browser in the following URL:


where KIUWAN_HOST and KIUWAN_PORT match the values of those properties as configured in Dockerfile 


Advanced Configuration

Below table shows available configuration parameters :



PropertyName (=default value) 






Max and min ammount of perm gen memory to be used by WildFly





Default MySQL parameters used to create database instance.

(see for reference) redis



Maximum number of Redis clients that could be handled simultaneously (
