
The Javascript rule "Avoid hard-coded or in-comment passwords in code" ( rule code OPT.JAVASCRIPT.PasswordInComments) searches for hard-coded passwords in source code.

This rule checks if there are comments in the code that contain expressions that match with a predefined regexp pattern, so it can lead to several false positives and/or false negatives.


This rule contains the parameter "passwordPattern" that you can edit to change the default pattern if you are finding too many false positives.

The default regexp pattern is :

public static final String _PASSWORD_TOKEN =
  * Common regex pattern for detecting a password encoded in comments.
  * Matches a 'password' token in common languages, optionally followed by at most 7 plain words,
  * with optional whitespace followed by a separator/quoting char.
 public static final String PASSWORD_IN_COMMENT_PATTERN = "(\\b|_)(?:"+_PASSWORD_TOKEN+")(?:\\s+[\\p{L}]+){0,7}\\s*[=\\:\\-'\"]";